Automation of the waiting queue
Via Guide

Via Guide transforms queues from a necessary evil into an optimized logistical airport process. The Beltrac belt posts with magnetic base and the flexible Nextrac partition systems guarantee a structured queue without staff having to constantly align it.

The rotating Smart Gates guide passengers through the queue. They are triggered by sensors and automatically change the queue layout according to the current passenger flow. This ensures that passengers do not have to walk further than necessary in the queue.

Sensors detect the availability of service positions such as immigration booths, EES kiosks or security checkpoints, and trigger the algorithm of the automated call-forward system. Displays at the queue exits and position lights at the service positions show passengers the next available position at the end of the queues. The algorithm also gives priority to passengers in special queues, such as business class or PRM, without having to reserve service positions exclusively for them. In combination with Smart Gates, passengers can be automatically balanced between different segments of the queue.

Via Guide will show an automated queue with all functions at its booth at Passenger Terminal Expo in Paris.

Booth: Z3.6090

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