Low-cost RFID luggage tags

Shabstec will showcase its very low-cost TagForLife solution to make printed luggage tags a thing of the past. The TagForLife is intended to greatly simplify the passenger experience and ensure much-improved baggage tracking capability. It will also help airlines and airports achieve their net zero carbon emissions targets.

The TagForLife uses all existing international standards. Shabstec has specifically developed a low-cost integration solution to help airports incorporate the tag’s radio-frequency identification (RFID) capability into existing baggage system infrastructure. This improves read rates and enables better sortation capabilities.

Arrivals baggage can also be tracked without line-of-sight requirements. Furthermore, the system can let passengers track their luggage via the integrated mobile application programming interface (API) capability.
Shabstec is also introducing an ultrafast unattended bag-drop facility that uses passenger sovereign identity technology in conjunction with the TagForLife to ensure a smooth self-service check-in process. This reduces the need for customer service agents while increasing passenger throughput.

Booth: 2403

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