Accurate target off-block time for departure predictability

Indra’s InPlan solution enables airlines and airport operators to take advantage of the many operational and economic benefits of airport collaborative decision making (A-CDM), ensuring flights operate as scheduled, delays are minimized, unnecessary costs are reduced and the operational efficiency of resources is maximized throughout the airport.

Airport punctuality is measured by the on-time performance (OTP) of departing flights, and 70% of all delays can be attributed to turnaround issues. Poor turnaround management originates from the inability to accurately monitor, coordinate and measure the performance of every agent involved in preparing departing flights and providing an accurate target off-block time (TOBT).

Indra’s InPlan technology incorporates IntellAct’s artificial intelligence (AI)-powered solution to provide airports with precise TOBT to improve OTP. It does this by compliant monitoring of the entire turnaround process (baggage, cargo loading and unloading, refueling, cleaning, safety inspections, passenger disembarking and boarding, etc), which leverages the airport's existing video surveillance infrastructure. Indra and IntellAct broaden the current A-CDM, materializing new operational concepts that revolutionize the aeronautical sector.

Booth: 1578

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